From Nose to Nasal Breathing

Did you know nasal breathing is the ideal way to breathe most of the time?

👃The nose has many functions and affects many body systems in ways that support health.

For instance:
Athletic Performance
👃endurance and stamina
👃anerobic threshold

Brain and Nervous System
👃calm and clarity
👃brain function

Now at the time I didn’t know this information when I did my marathon and ultramarathon I didn’t train the conventional way, no running training.
My inspiration was Wim Hof, Wim says “feeling is understanding”

After my big relationship breakup, a year earlier (my ex wore the garmin watch, the heart rate chest monitor, had running music iPod, used the withings slept analyser, had the smart body scales, BP monitor and SAD light)  I was more inclined to following feeling is understanding

The Wim Hof Method has 3 pillars, one pillar, the cold exposure. This for me was all about feeling is understanding, as I had a relationship with the cold I had a better relationship with self

That’s when I knew I was marathon ready!

Why am I saying this now?
At the time I thought I started from minus the start line, I was a paradoxical breather and hated the cold.
I unpacked one thing at a time and became aware my body wants to heal and i am there to assist it.

You do realise I didn’t run a marathon or ultra marathon to prove to you the WHM is an endurance tool?
Because back then I didn’t even know I wanted to be an instructor. I ran to heal my soul as I saw this as hours of Breathwork that’s it!

My journey has been from disconnect, confusion and control to mind, body soul and faith.

The WHM and Breathwork a powerful healing message. I learnt and still learning from source.
Go back to your why and let spirit (will power) lead the way..